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I Solemnly Swear that I am up to No Good
Heheh...Yep. Another version of chapter 1. And 2 on the way!
If you've already read this, re-read the whole ting again, because along with a major change at the end I've also made a few more subtle changes as well. Enjoy.

I Solemnly Swear that I am up to No Good.
Chapter 1: Many Meetings

Platform 9 and ¾. It wasn't quite as large as he had imagined, but Remus suspected that in his excitement he could have imagined just about anything. Still, he couldn't believe he was actually going to Hogwarts. Remus had been sure that for him, anything close to a normal life was out of the question. But here he was, headed off to school like any 11-year-old should. The small, brown-haired boy stood next to his trunk with his amber eyes fixed on the crimson monster of a train that was the Hogwarts Express.

Beside him, Remus’ mother must have noticed the anxiety on his face, because she began offering a continuous stream of reassurance. "Now don't you worry about a thing... Dumbledore has got it all settled... We'll pull you out the second we need to... But, I'm sure we won't have too."

Remus wondered who she was really reassuring. "Mum," he interrupted. "I know, but the train'll be leaving soon."

He turned out to be correct. As if by fate, the final warning whistle sounded after the words had barely passed his lips.

Mrs. Lupin accepted this in inner-defeat. “Oh, all right.” She gave him a final hug goodbye before turning and vanishing between the walls of platforms 9 and 10.

As Remus started towards the train, he fought a sudden urge to run back to his mother and have her take him home, back to his room where he could hide in the corner and read books all day long pretending he was them instead of himself… But he shook his head. “I can’t live in fiction forever.”

He took another step forward, but was almost knocked off his feet when a boy with shoulder-length jet black hair ran into him, and spilled the contents of his trunk all over the floor of the station. The boy had not even looked back. He had run straight into him and onto the train. Remus was utterly astounded that he hadn’t at least look at him, let alone stop and apologize. He looked at his things a moment longer, spell books now cracked and broken at the spine, paperbacks with dog-eared pages, hand-me-down black robes. Then silently, he bent down and carefully put everything back where it was before.

The unfamiliar emotion of rage filled his chest, though he did his best to quash it. Someone like him didn’t have the luxury of reacting angrily. He wandered down the narrow hallway of the train looking for an empty compartment, but found none. He silently cursed getting on the train so late, wondering if he would ever find a place to sit.

He was just about ready to give up, when there was a loud BOOM. Remus turned in time to see two boys running out of a nearby compartment (which was now spewing emerald green smoke into the corridor), laughing hysterically. One he recognized instantly as the boy he encountered at the station. The other boy he did not know. He had short, messy, dark-brown hair, and glasses that seemed at least 3 sizes to big.

Forgetting about the fact that he had no idea who these mischief makers were, Remus faced to them and half yelled, “What on earth did you DO?”

Still laughing, the boy with glasses turned to him.  “Dung bomb! Sirius here thought they needed one after what they said about his-”

“Shut up, James!” said Sirius. “They wouldn’t even have known if it weren’t for your big mouth!” He sounded angry, but he was still smiling.

The smoke was quickly spreading to the other compartments, and their occupants could be heard yelling their complaints into the hall.

“What the hell?”

“Oh, it smells!”

“Someone call a teacher!”

Suddenly, a woman’s voice was heard over those of the boys and girls, “What’s going on out there?”

Remus watched as the boys smiles vanished, replaced by looks of terror before-

“Quick!” Sirius grabbed Remus by the arm. “We can’t be spotted here!” Remus suddenly found himself being dragged down the corridor by the two boys.

“In here!” James pulled open a compartment door and ushered Sirius and Remus inside. All there though,  was a small, blond boy who jumped at the sight of the three boys toppling, complete with luggage,  into the small room.

“Wh-who are you?” he stammered.

“Just cover for us, okay?” Sirius said quickly.

After several seconds a smart tapping came at the door. It slid open to reveal a strict-looking woman wearing dark green robes, her salt and pepper hair tied back in a tight bun. She examined the scene, and upon seeing three boys very much out of breath, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “I don’t suppose any of you boys happen to know what happened in the hallway a few moments ago?”

“Did something happen?” Sirius looked to James, eyes widening unconvincingly.

“I haven’t heard anything.” Replied James, sounding curious.

The woman remained skeptical. “Perhaps I should take you back to my compartment for the remainder of the ride.” They looked horrified at the thought.

“Ma’am,” said the blond boy, making them all jump. “Ma’am, they were in this compartment with me the whole time.” The woman looked over at him and he seemed to quiver visibly, but all the same he kept her gaze.
Sirius looked surprised only for a moment, “That’s right, we’ve been in here, right guys?”

“That’s right!” James answered.

After a painful nudge in the ribs, Remus answered with “Right…” He tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace after an particularly painful throb from his chest.

“Very well,” she snapped and shut the door. After her footsteps had died down the corridor, James and Sirius burst out laughing again, clapping the blond boy on the back.

“Thanks, mate!” James said gratefully.

“Yeah, you really saved our hides,” said Sirius, beaming at the small boy.

Remus sat in a nearby seat, stunned. What was he doing?? He’d just lied to a teacher for two troublemakers he’d only just met! Not to mention they literally dragged him down half the length of the train before shoving him unceremoniously into someone else’s compartment! He’d never experience boys like this before. In fact, he’d never really experienced children his own age. He’d been home schooled up until now and had only really experienced the company of his parents and the fictional characters from his books. Watching these boys laughing over their childish antics made him wonder if he had missed something.

“I’m Sirius.”

Remus looked up, to see the black haired boy, hand outstretched. “Sirius Black.” He took Sirius’ outstretched hand, though somewhat half-heartidly; he was still in shock. Sirius then pointed to his companion. “James Potter.” James waved in greeting, before turning to their savior.

“Who’re you?”

The blonde boy looked utterly terrified at suddenly being addressed by these two. “P-P-Peter Pettigrew.” He stammered shyly.

Satisfied, they all turned to look at Remus, who it seemed was intently examining his sneakers. Remus could feel them all staring at him, and when he could stand it no longer, said shyly, “Er…Remus Lupin.”

Before they could say anything else to him, Remus had pulled out a book, opened it to the crease, and hid behind it. If he could stay like this for the rest of the train ride, it would be all right…

But instead, the rest of the trip was filled with the four of them talking merrily. It hadn’t been long before Remus’ curiosity had gotten the better of him, yet again, and he had forsaken the safety of the pages to venture out into this new world. He soon found himself slipping into an almost comfortable familiarity with them.

James and Sirius had apparently been friends for ages already having lived in the same area. Today’s little stunt had been pretty mild compared to some of the stuff they’d all ready done. Peter, who lived no where near any of them, sat opposite Sirius amazed by the amazing tales they wove. He gasped out loud at one they told involving a broom, a set of exploding snap cards, and an unwitting teacher. “That was you? I read about that in the Daily Prophet!” James and Sirius took this as praise and practically glowed.

“What about you, Remus?” Sirius turned to him. “What were your school experiences?”

“Oh, I’ve never been.” Remus replied. The boys all looked at him with shocked faces. “I was home schooled.”

“Why?” Peter asked.

Remus faltered. He could hardly tell the truth. These seemed to be the first people to ever really like him outside home... Imagine their faces if he told them his mother preferred him to stay home, by her side, where she could protect him. No, protect others from him. He imagined how their faces would twist in horror as they discovered the truth…

“Oh, my Mum,” he said weakly. “She just thought she could do a better job,” he forced a laugh and felt a little sick inside. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice. They merely nodded and began changing the subject. Before long, there was a knock again on their door, which slid open this time to reveal an older boy with curly sandy-blond hair. He puffed out his chest so as to further reveal the already visible red and gold Prefects Badge.

“We’re nearing Hogwarts,” He said importantly. “Everyone needs to get their robes on.”

“Of course,” they replied. The boy nodded, closing the door and heading down to the next compartment.

The four preceded to open their trunks and gather their uniforms. Pulling the robes over his head, Remus fastened a few buttons and stowed his wand in the right pocket. Looking up, he saw something he could tell didn’t happen often: Sirius annoyed.

“I don’t know why you insist on doing this, James.” He snapped. “You’re only going to get shot down.”

“I didn’t ask for loving advice Sirius. I only asked if you would save me a seat on the boats.” his friend retorted.

“Fine. Just be quick about it.”

James ran a hand through his hair before vanishing down the corridor of he train.

“Where is he-” began Peter, but was silenced by a murderous glance from Sirius.

‘If looks could kill…’ thought Remus,

“It doesn’t matter.” Sirius said quickly. “Come on, get your things together. The train’s finally stopping.”

They left their re-packed trunks in the compartment and headed down the corridor.

“Only the Sorting left, I think.” Said Sirius, apparently eager to start a new conversation. Remus’ heart sank into his shoes. He’d forgotten there was still another test coming. He started to panic, thoughts and emotions passing fast, heart beating faster. What if he wasn’t sorted? What if he wasn’t even allowed to attend? What if Dumbledore –a man he had only heard of- came up to him in front of the whole school and told him to get out before he put the other students in peril? The horrified faces of his new friends floated into his mind again, and he found himself so heavy he could hardly move.

“oh, come on!” Sirius began pushing him off the train. “It’s only a stupid hat, no big deal!” Though Sirius had misinterpreted his fears, Remus felt a little better knowing someone was helping him along, even if it was only the occasional shove on the back.

They exited the train, jumping on to a small, dark platform. Remus shivered in the cold night air.

“Look!” Peter hissed quietly. They looked to the direction he was pointing to see a lap bobbing up and down, a golden dot on a black canvas.

“First years!” came a woman’s voice. “First years this way please!”

“Let’s go.” Said Sirius, and they started towards the light.
Slipping and stumbling, the first years followed the woman down a steep, narrow path. It was pitch black, aside from the trees illuminated in a sphere of golden light from the lantern. No one spoke much, until-

You’ll get your first sight of the castle in a minute.” The woman shot over her shoulder, before taking a sharp turn around a bend.

Suddenly, there was a loud, “Ooooh!”

On the other side of an enormous black large, a castle sat perched on a tall mountainside. The moon was hidden behind a cloud, causing the windows to shine and sparkle in the dark light, and the many towers and turrets to draw a faint outline along the sky.

This time it was Remus’ turn to push a wide-eyed Sirius along.

“No more  than four to a boat please!” the woman called, pointing to a fleet of tiny boats along the shore. As Remus and Peter climbed into one, Sirius remained behind.

“James!” He called. “JAMES!”

‘I’m coming, I’m coming!” James emerged from the crowd, a heavy frown on his face.

Sirius only raised an eyebrow. “What’d she say to you?”

“She called me incorrigible!” James said loudly. “I don’t even know what that means!”

Sirius sighed. “No one does, mate, no one does.” He and James climbed into the boat.

“Unruly.” Said Remus from his corner of the boat.


“Incorrigible means unruly. Disobedient.”

They stared at him like he was mad. It was going to be a long year...

Preview of Chapter 2

Sirius’ heart skipped a beat. ‘Oh, man...’

He began walking towards the tattered old hat, and almost involuntarily looked back at James. James was smiling, giving a silent thumbs up to him. Reassured, Sirius sat on the stool and placed the hat on his head. It fell over his eyes, which he was very thankful for. The last thing he wanted was to watch everyone staring at him.

‘Here we go.’ He thought.

“That’s the spirit!” Said a voice in his head, making Sirius jump.

“I don’t bite.” Said the hat casually, as though people were accustomed to having conversations with 1,000-year-old wizard hats. “Now let’s see, another Black, hmm? Not surprising… But where to put you…?” The hat sounded puzzled.

This was his chance. ‘Not Slytherin,’ He pleaded with the hat. ‘Not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin…’

“Not Slytherin, eh? But it’s in your blood, boy. Slytherin is where you are meant to be!”

‘I don’t care; put me anywhere, just not Slytherin!”

“Very well,” said the hat slowly. “If you’re sure that’s what you want. Then you’re a…

Chapter 2. Freshly edited. Chapter 3 in progress.

I Solemnly Swear that I am up to No Good
Chapter 2: The Sorting

As the first years walked into the Great Hall, Sirius couldn’t help but feel that he were walking the Green Mile. He leant over to James and whispered, “Kill me if I get Slytherin.”

“Alright,” said James. “But only if you’ll do the same for me if I get Hufflepuff.”


James’ face may have been calm, but Sirius could tell that his friend was nervous just by the sound of his voice, which shook slightly when he spoke. This was highly unusual for James. He was usually so confidant, even to the point of being slightly arrogant, that seeing him like this made Sirius’ own butterflies ten times larger. Still, there was only one thing that could make James Potter nervous: her. He wanted to tell James to get over her, but he knew it would be a waste of breath. James was too stubborn to even think that it was never going to happen, but then again, Sirius had seen some pretty crazy things in his time so why couldn’t they end up together? …Yeah right.

‘Still’, Sirius thought, ‘if he’s going to be like this every time something happens I might have to knock some sense in to him. Bloody ridiculous…’

“Now,” came a woman’s voice. Sirius looked up to see the woman from the train, whom he had earlier learned was named Professor McGonagall, now addressing the first years with the same stern look she had given him not more than an hour ago. “When I call your name, please come up here and place the Sorting Hat on your head. Once you have been sorted, you should head to your House Table. She pointed towards four beautiful antique tables, each decorated with an elegant tablecloth colored with their House Colors: blue and silver for Ravenclaw, purple and yellow for Hufflepuff, red and yellow for Gryffindor, and green and silver for (Sirius shuddered) Slytherin. Each table had been set, and now held empty kitchenware, plates bowls, silverware, the works. The china shined brilliantly in the light let off by the enchanted ceiling of the hall, which showed the sky outside: bright stars everywhere, the occasional shooting star, and the moon, now reaching the halfway point of its nightly trek across the sky. Sirius reckoned it would be full the next evening.

McGonagall pulled out a roll of parchment that nearly reached the floor, and the first of the first years was called.

“Suzan Abbot.”

A frightened looking girl with blond hair and sky blue eyes emerged slowly from the safety of the crowd of first years and walked up to the stool. Placing the sorting hat on her head, she sat down and waited for it’s decision.

“HUFFLEPUFF!” The hat shouted, from what appeared to be a mouth made from a tear in it’s patched, graying side. The Hufflepuff table burst into applause, as the girl nearly ran from the stool as though afraid that hat might change it’s mind, and sat next to another blond girl Sirius assumed was her sister. The Sorting would continue for a few minutes before he was called, so Sirius spent the time he had looking around at his class. James was to his left, desperately trying (but failing) to look calm, as though this was no big deal. Peter was behind James, practically cowering. He was sweating profusely, biting his nails, and he looked about ready to faint. He found Remus to his right, partially obscured by a group of girls that seemed about to collapse like Peter. He looked sickly and pale, as though he had recently gotten over a bad illness. What little color he had on the train had vanished, and he looked up at the hat with absolute fear in his eyes, like it was some kind of monster hell bent on making his life miserable. ‘Why?’ Sirius wondered. ‘Was there something that would stop him from being sorted? Could it be that he’s trying to avoid something?’ Sirius put the thought out of his mind as he looked over the others, and much to his displeasure, found that Serverus Snape was smiling. ‘Of course he’s smiling!’ thought Sirius angrily. ‘When he gets into Slytherin he’ll be surrounded by thugs and dark magic, just the way he wants.’
Sirius frowned. ‘Snivellus, you slimy git if I get into the same house as you I swear I’ll –’

“Sirius Black.”

Sirius’ heart skipped a beat. ‘Oh, man...’

He began walking towards the tattered old hat, and almost involuntarily looked back at James. James was smiling, giving a silent thumbs up to him. Reassured, Sirius sat on the stool and placed the hat on his head. It fell over his eyes, which he was very thankful for. The last thing he wanted was to watch everyone staring at him.

‘Here we go.’ He thought.

“That’s the spirit!” Said a voice in his head, making Sirius jump.

“I don’t bite.” Said the hat casually, as though people were accustomed to having conversations with 1,000-year-old wizard hats. “Now let’s see, another Black, hmm? Not surprising… But where to put you…?” The hat sounded puzzled.

This was his chance. ‘Not Slytherin,’ He pleaded with the hat. ‘Not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin…’

“Not Slytherin, eh? But it’s in your blood, boy. Slytherin is where you are meant to be!”

‘I don’t care; put me anywhere, just not Slytherin!”

“Very well,” said the hat slowly. “If you’re sure that’s what you want. Then you’re a…

“GRYFFINDOR!” The hat shouted into the hall.

A wobbly-kneed Sirius walked towards the applauding Gryffindor Table, and took a seat next to another first year. His butterflies calmed in the pit of his stomach as he heaved a sigh and relaxed, determined to enjoy the rest of the sorting.

After several minutes, Sirius perked up his ears at the sound of a familiar name.

“Remus Lupin.”

Sirius looked over in Remus’ direction and saw him battling his own butterflies. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in a desperate attempt to calm himself. Opening his eyes, he strode up to the hat and placed it upon his head.

“Good luck, mate.” Sirius said, even though he knew Remus wouldn’t hear him.


Remus walked quickly to the Table and sat next to Sirius. Sirius was surprised to se that he was smiling.

“What did it say to you?” He asked Remus quietly.

“It told me…” he paused, as if looking for the right words. “…that I shouldn’t be worried.”

“Worried?” Repeated Sirius. “About wh-”

Sirius suddenly stopped and looked up as James strode casually up to the hat. Remus gave an almost inaudible sigh of relief at this interruption. Clearly there was something he did not want to discuss. Sirius noticed, but didn’t make any conscious thoughts about it, because the hat was about to say something.


Again, the Gryffindor Table burst into thunderous applause, and James took a seat on the opposite side of the table, across from Sirius. James was beaming, with a broad smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Looks like you won’t have to kill me after all.” He said quickly.

“I wouldn’t have done it anyway.” Replied Sirius, now smiling himself.
James faked a look of extreme hurt. “My own best friend wouldn’t even kill me!”

They laughed together for several seconds, only stopping when Peter’s name was called. The hat seemed to take the longest with him, as though it was unsure where to place him. Sirius watched the seconds tick by on Remus’ wrist watch. Eight, Nine, Ten…Finally, the hat made a decision.

"GRYFFINDOR!” Sirius was sure he heard uncertainty in it’s voice.
But that hardly mattered. After all, every one of his friends was sitting around him, all in the same house.

‘Now,’ thought Sirius. “If I manage to get at least three classes with James…’

Preview of Chapter 3
“First of all, I would like to remind you that the forest in the grounds is off limits to students. Yes, that means you, Clark.”

A student at the Slytherin table faked a look of being deeply hurt.

“Second,” Dumbledore continued. “We have a new addition to the plant life here at Hogwarts. Some of you may have noticed the new Whomping Willow in the grounds? However, I would ask that none of you go near it. Its beauty is best admired from afar.”

“Then why is it there?” asked a Hufflepuff boy.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” asked Dumbledore. “It’s an interesting tree to study! Not to mention how creepy it looks at night.” He chuckled along with the students. But Remus sank a little further. He knew why the tree was there, and what its true purpose was. And he also knew what kind of chaos would undoubtedly ensue should it ever be removed.
^_^ Ok now I can post! Very nice!
For those of you expecting another chapter, I'm sorry to say that this isn't one. However, before you start to form the angry mob, I have something to say:

First, is that I'll be re-writing the first and second chapters to fix gramatical errors and such since my knowledge has improved since I wrote them.

Second, is that when I'm finished with that, I'll post chapters 3,4, and 5 when they're done(chapter 5 is still unfinished, and I have to basically move them around to make for a better story line(some parts of chapter 4 will go in chapters 3 and 5, and so on.)) But I hope that you'll be patient, and hopefully by Friday I'll be done.
get going Missy, what happens, even though I already know what happens past chapter 4, hehehehe! =P
Actually, it may turn out that what you thought you knew happens sooner, and I may just have an entierly re-written chapter 5. For the most part.... I don't think I let you get THAT far....
I read some of chapter 5 but not all of it that you wrote.
Where exactly did you stop?

I really need to know, no one was suppose to read that chapter. ;__;
0_o If I read the chapter again i would know, but I can't think of it right now.
Alrighteh....Besides, I'm going to upload a completely redone chapter 1 in a few minutes hopefully whatever you read will be different.
^_^ Ok then.
HAHAHHAHHAAH! Thats awesome.
I Solemnly Swear that I am up to No Good
Chapter 3: Of feasts, friends, and lies.

With the Sorting finally over, the students had a few minutes to get situated and organize themselves. James and Sirius quietly took advantage of this, and immediately began planning something. ‘Something’ Remus thought, ‘that will undoubtedly have disastrous results.’

“You really think that’s a good idea James?” asked Sirius. Remus thought he might actually be trying to talk James out of another prank but found out (much to his disappointment) that his intentions were quite the opposite when he added, “Surely another dung bomb would work better?”

Remus frowned. “I hope you’re not planning another incident like the one on the train.” He said sharply.

“Relax, mate.” Sirius replied. “If we do anything we’ll make sure to do it far FAR away from McGonagall.” Sirius’ eyes were shining mischievously.

“That’s not what I meant, Sirius, and you know it.”

Sirius merely shrugged. “It won’t be anything bad Remus, relax! What’ll they do? Expel us?”

James laughed, Peter sniggered with delight, and an unfamiliar female voice said, “Not even two minutes in and you’re already doing something stupid.”

Remus looked towards the source of the disturbance and his amber eyes met a pair of emerald green ones. They had a stern but kind look in them and the locks of flaming red hair that hung around her shoulders brought them out even more.

James suddenly stopped laughing, and one of his hands shot to his hair, making it even messier. Sirius glared at the girl. “Shove off, Evans,” he shot. “It’s none of your business.”

This succeeded only in making the girl angrier. “I’m not going to stand around and watch as you and Potter over there run around the school doing whatever stupid prank you think of next. It’s like you think it’s your purpose in life to bring chaos everywhere you go!”

Sirius remained calm. “You know, you really should calm down. Don’t want to stress yourself out. Maybe you should go back to where ever it was you were sitting and breathe fire at someone who’ll actually listen.”

The girl glared murderously at Sirius before storming away down to the other end of the table.

“What was that ab-” began Peter, but Sirius interrupted him.

“Lily Evans.” He lowered his voice so that only he, Peter, and Remus could hear. “She’s the one that called James ‘incorrigible’ earlier on. I think she’s a bit nutty myself, but James fancies her. Every time she says something bad about him he goes seriously mental.”

Sure enough, when Remus looked over at James he was staring sadly at a knife, as though he would like nothing better than to end it all rather than be put down by the girl of his dreams. Sirius spent the next few minutes trying to improve James’ black mood. It seemed like he had at least partially succeeded, because when Sirius mentioned that he could impress Lily when they had their flying lessons, James smiled a bit before falling back into depression.

Suddenly, the man seated at the center of the staff table stood up. While waiting for them to quiet down, he gazed out at the students with crystal blue eyes, adjusting the half-moon spectacles that sat on his crooked nose.

“Who’s that?” Remus whispered to Sirius.

“You’ve got to be kidding.” Said Sirius, but Remus only stared back so he explained. “That’s Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster. You must not eat enough Chocolate Frogs; he’s on some of the Wizard Cards you get inside of ‘em. I reckon I’ve got about 4 of him.”

So this was Dumbledore. This was the man who invited Remus to attend school at Hogwarts, despite what he was, despite all the rumors, despite everything. This was the man to whom Remus owed probably his life, along with every ounce of gratitude he would ever have. It was because of the invitation that Remus now had friends, something he denied himself at home, and a chance to be like everyone else. When Dumbledore spoke, his voice was soft and kind, but it still carried throughout the entire Hall.

“Good evening and welcome back to another year at Hogwarts! And to some I should simply say “Welcome!” Now, there are a few things needing to be addressed before the start of term.”

Remus sank lower in his chair. This was it. Dumbledore was going to tell everyone his secret. What happened to the confidentially Dumbledore and the staff had been sworn to? But no… Dumbledore wouldn’t do that… Would he?

“First of all, I would like to remind you that the forest in the grounds is off limits to students. Yes, that means you, Clark.”

A student at the Slytherin table faked a look of being deeply hurt.

“Second,” Dumbledore continued. “We have a new addition to the plant life here at Hogwarts. Some of you may have noticed the new Whomping Willow in the grounds? However, I would ask that none of you go near it. Its beauty is best admired from afar.”

“Then why is it there?” asked a Hufflepuff boy.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” asked Dumbledore. “It’s an interesting tree to study! Not to mention how creepy it looks at night.” He chuckled along with the students. But Remus sank a little further. He knew why the tree was there, and what its true purpose was. And he also knew what kind of chaos would undoubtedly ensue should it ever be removed.

He felt sick. And he must have looked it too, because Sirius leant over and asked, “Are you alright? You look like you’re going to faint.”

“I’m fine.” His own voice seemed far away.

Sirius looked unconvinced but returned to consoling James when he let out a groan of despair. “Cheer up mate, she’ll come around eventually. Besides, if you’re in the same house she can’t avoid you forever…”

Dumbledore seemed to sense the restless attitude of his students. “Now, before I have a riot on my hands…” He waved his hands across the hall, and Remus laughed as he watched Sirius’ jaw drop. But for good reason: the dishes were no longer empty. In fact, they were piled high with fantastic entrées. Roast beef, chicken, sprouts, potatoes, carrots, and peas. And that was only the beginning! There were beautifully frosted cakes, puddings, and deserts none of them had ever seen, with drinks of all kinds, colors, and flavors.  

He still felt sick, so Remus did not rush forward like the others did. But this was apparently the last straw for Sirius.

“Eat something.”

“I’m not hungry, alright?” Remus replied.

“Nonsense, you look half dead! If you don’t eat something you probably won’t last the night!” He began piling food onto Remus’ plate. Remus’ jaw dropped in horror at the still-growing pile, knowing he would be expected to eat everything. But Sirius only took advantage of this, and before he could react, his friend was shoving mashed potatoes into his mouth.

The others laughed as Remus choked, but Sirius remained firm. “You don’t eat enough, alright?” he said stubbornly, and began filling his own plate (with twice the amount he had given Remus). Remus gingerly picked up his fork and evaluated the immense task before him.

“Gryffindor First Years this way please!”

The young Gryffindors followed the Prefects out of the Great Hall and into the castle. It was an impossible maze of stone walls and torches, left, right, right again, straight… They reached the base of a winding staircase, and the Prefect in front puffed out his chest again and gave them a warning to heed before beginning what was sure to be an exhausting climb.

“Keep an eye on the stairs please, they like to change.” he said

“Change?” the boys said together. Lo and behold, when they looked up three flights of the stairs had begun rearranging themselves in random patterns. Remus continued to gaze upward as he climbed, mesmerized by the height and beauty of the tower, which seemed to go on forever.  

“Welcome to Hogwarts!”

The students searched for the source of the disembodied voice, finding only the portraits lining the walls. But… there was something strange about them. Peter began staring suspiciously at one of a large brown-haired man, when suddenly he gave a yelp of surprise.

“Why the devil are you staring at me, boy?” the man asked, whiskers of his moustache waving furiously a he did so.

Peter looked as though me might faint. “Oh, er….sorry!” he said quickly.

“Now, now, don’t be so rude Thomas!” another painting, this time of a tall, thin woman, came to Peter’s rescue.

“But Angela, this boy!” said Thomas, pointing accusingly at Peter with one of his sausage-like fingers.

“But nothing!” she said, and to everyone’s amazement left her own portrait and entered Thomas’. “The students don’t come to Hogwarts to be bullied by portraits!”

They’re argument continued, and so did the Prefects. “Let’s go everyone!” they called as they started climbing the stairs again. None of the other portraits said much other than the occasional greeting. It was clear they had done this many times, and must have gotten tired of it.

‘Do paintings get tired?’ Remus wondered. He found the answer when they finally reached the top of the tower and stopped in front of the portrait of a rather large woman in a pink, frilly gown. She was snoring loudly. The Prefect’s tone was mild as he tried to wake her.

“Excuse me, Fat Lady? Hello, wake up!” Although he did succeed in waking her, she looked terribly tired and in danger of dozing off again.

“P-P-Password?” she yawned.

“Phoenix Feather.” Said the other Prefect, a black-haired young woman who, unlike her companion, made no effort to make her status known.

The Fat Lady nodded and her portrait swung forward, revealing the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. As the students began filing inside, Sirius and James had already begun to make jokes.

“Probably be the ugliest furniture ever!” they laughed, but it was astonishing that they could be so relaxed after their ordeal with the Hat! The four climbed into the tower, and to Remus’ dismay, they had been correct about the furniture. They had entered a round, red room filled with squashy armchairs and couches that looked as though they were in need of a good cleaning.

“We told you so.” Sirius said smirking.

“Shut up, Sirius.” Remus snapped, although he really hadn’t meant to.

“Geez, what’s gotten into you?” Sirius sounded surprised.

“Nothing.” He replied quickly. There was a short pause before- “I think I’ll head up to bed now.”

Remus mad to leave, but Sirius stopped him. “Why? It’s not even 10 yet.”

“If you must know, one of my relatives is sick. My family and I have scheduled to visit her tomorrow at St. Mungo’s, and it takes a while to get there the Muggle way so I always go to bed early before hand.”

Sirius seemed satisfied, and let Remus pass him. Making his way to the boys dormitories, he wasn’t sure whether to feel good or bad. He’d just lied to his friends after all. But being blessed with their company only served to remind him of why it was absolutely necessary to do so. His trunk had been brought from the train, so he slipped into his pajamas and climbed into his four poster bed comfortable in the knowledge that his lie had worked. For now…

Preview of Chapter 4

Dear Mother,
Thank you for those kind words. Unfortunately, your “Noble House of Black” will have to join the Dark wizards without me. Don’t worry though, since I’ve made it into Gryffindor, the best of the four houses, I’ll have plenty of time to socialize with all the half breeds and mudbloods you like so much. And as for my education? Dumbledore is one of the greatest wizards out there, and I’m sure you will come to respect him in due time.

Hoping to never hear from you again,
AHHHHHHHH. You need to tell me what happens. 0_o

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